Optimum Dwarf Hairgrass Growing Conditions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 8, 2011
Hi everyone. In my ten gallon tank I would like for there to be a dence carpet of DHG. I have had DHG in the tank for 7 months and all I see are some runners. Then again, I have done absolutely nothing to it until now.

Today I set up a DIY Co2 generator. It is still to early to tell how many bubbles per second are going into the tank because I am still waiting for the Co2 to build up enough pressure to actually get into the tank through the extra-fine airstone.

I also have Fertilizer tabs that are placed into the gravel. Along with that I also have liquid Co2 (or whatever that stuff is) to add into the tank.

Finally I have two light bulbs but do not know the WPG because the watts are not printed on the bulb and I have thrown the box away. I dot mind because they aren't "real" aquarium lights, so if anyone can recommend any good ones for DHG I will be sure to pick it up at my LFS tomorrow.

Any advice would be very much appreciated. :D
No it looks like this except that is is transparent.

Most likely those bulbs won't be in the right color spectrum to grow plants... Are they the small thread size or normal? I have 2 spiral cfl bulbs in my 10g. They each are 13 watt 5000k. Although 6500k is more ideal, I haven't found any locally yet...
Thank you very much for your help.

I think I actually saw that light at my LFS. I will go out and check it out today. :)
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