Oto's Algae Diet

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 8, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Does anybody know exactly what types of algae otos eat? Iknow they love brown diatoms. The reason I'm asking is because I don't see any algae in my tank besides a little bit of green spot algae that I know he doesn't touch and yet he looks awsome, active, fat, and in perfect health. I see him go to work on my decor, gravel, plants, and my front glass but only after I've scrapped it clean with a sponge :blink:. I've had him for over two months now and he has ignored every blanced veggie that I've put in my tank cucumber, zucchini, spinach, lettuce, and carrots. Besides frozen food I do mainly feed my fish Spirulina 20 flake food so I'm wondering if maybe he's eating left over flake food since the second ingredient is spirulina algae.
So again what types of algae do otos eat?
Anybody? I'm thinking about getting a couple more but I want to understand their diets to make sure they survive.
The otos I have work on the plants and driftwood in my tank that grow algae a little faster but honestly I mostly see them eat the left over flake food I feed my other fish. I have used algae wafers before and they loved them maybe try that?
Does anybody know exactly what types of algae otos eat? Iknow they love brown diatoms. The reason I'm asking is because I don't see any algae in my tank besides a little bit of green spot algae that I know he doesn't touch and yet he looks awsome, active, fat, and in perfect health. I see him go to work on my decor, gravel, plants, and my front glass but only after I've scrapped it clean with a sponge :blink:. I've had him for over two months now and he has ignored every blanced veggie that I've put in my tank cucumber, zucchini, spinach, lettuce, and carrots. Besides frozen food I do mainly feed my fish Spirulina 20 flake food so I'm wondering if maybe he's eating left over flake food since the second ingredient is spirulina algae.
So again what types of algae do otos eat?
Otos need such a small amount of algae, it doesn't take much to feed them enough. Algae wafers would be a cheap and delicious way to ensure his health is normal. He may be getting the flakes, but I never saw my Oto eat flakes. Then again, I didn't sit there for hours ;) . Otos are great fish and are in the list of "Compatible with Just About Anything" in my book, from baby shrimp to Oscars, these are a must-have for everyone!
I just added three Otos to my established tank. They love the driftwood and I hope they do like brown algae because I have quite a bit of it! I'm going to try cucumber and some wafers too..:) I have never had these guys before, so I really hope they do ok..
I just added three Otos to my established tank. They love the driftwood and I hope they do like brown algae because I have quite a bit of it! I'm going to try cucumber and some wafers too..:) I have never had these guys before, so I really hope they do ok..
Do not be concerned if a few die. Just in case, check your parameters with a API Freshwater Master Test Kit to make sure everything's alright. Otocinclus are wild-caught and thus are not too hardy in the aquarium. Just a warning though. Love these fish, they are a blast!!
Thanks everyone for all your replies. The oto I have doesn't seem to eat anything I give he not even algae wafers but he/she is all over my plants and decor so I guess its cool. I've had him for more than four months now and I think I'll go get him some buddies tomorrw.:)
Smooth Rocks + tray of water + sunlight = Oto Food !!

Also look at Rapashy Gel Foods, mine LOVE that stuff.
That's a good way to grow algae. I either go to Petsmart and ask for one of their tank's algae-covered rock, or I go to my creek, clean an algae-covered rock, then use it. Pretty easy for me ;)
I wish I could share some of my algae with you.. so far my three little guys seem fine. Their little bellies are filling up, so I hope that is a good sign. Do they usually die within a short time of introducing them? I was almost afraid to look this morning...
bonibelle said:
I wish I could share some of my algae with you.. so far my three little guys seem fine. Their little bellies are filling up, so I hope that is a good sign. Do they usually die within a short time of introducing them? I was almost afraid to look this morning...

The first 2 weeks are important. The issue is, they are Wild Caught and often may be starving by the time you get them. Not because no one has tried to feed them , but due to them being unused to eating ANY prepared food.

Thus it's always better to put them in a mature tank with algae present.

When I do wipe down my front glass I usually leave the back wall and sides for my Otos and other algae eating creatures.
I'm going to try to grow some algae on a rock in tank water outside. I was going to bring home a couple of otos but the fish store where I normally buy fish from is sold out til next week.
Sadly, I think I have lost one of my little guys. (water tested fine, so that shouldn't be the problem). The other two are happy and active and have really enjoyed the algae that I had all over my tank and plants. I am amazed at how much they have cleaned off the glass! So is it OK for me to just have the two of them, or would it be better to have 3 or 4? I see they like to swim together and then kind of touch and go until they find a good place to eat.
Sadly, I think I have lost one of my little guys. (water tested fine, so that shouldn't be the problem). The other two are happy and active and have really enjoyed the algae that I had all over my tank and plants. I am amazed at how much they have cleaned off the glass! So is it OK for me to just have the two of them, or would it be better to have 3 or 4? I see they like to swim together and then kind of touch and go until they find a good place to eat.
It's better to have 4-5 IMO, but it's up to you. They are more active and efficient in larger groups.
thank you, I am in total disbelief at the amount of algae that they have eaten in my tank. I am not bothered by it being on things and some on the glass, but these guys have literally removed all of it from everything! I am taking things from my other tanks that are algae covered and putting them in the tank with the otos along with cucumber ( they don't seem interested in that). Heading out for wafers tonight...I really do enjoy them and everone else now that my tank is sparkling...lol but I think I need to be sure I can grow enough algae to support more of them before I increase my population of otos..
thank you, I am in total disbelief at the amount of algae that they have eaten in my tank. I am not bothered by it being on things and some on the glass, but these guys have literally removed all of it from everything! I am taking things from my other tanks that are algae covered and putting them in the tank with the otos along with cucumber ( they don't seem interested in that). Heading out for wafers tonight...I really do enjoy them and everone else now that my tank is sparkling...lol but I think I need to be sure I can grow enough algae to support more of them before I increase my population of otos..
Not a bad idea, thankfully these guys don't need too much algae, so it's not too much of a problem. There has been an occasional person who has not been able to get Otocinclus to eat wafers, but those that I know personally have never had any trouble getting them to eat prepared foods, so I can't confirm that claim. I hope they live long and fat lives! Best of luck!
Boiled Zucchini....don't be afraid to leave in there overnight.

I have homemade Silk Plants that get covered in Algae quick so I leave the LED's on most of the Day to ensure growth...
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