Out of control Bubbler...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 3, 2004
Upstate New York
I'm posting this in a new thread instead of in the thread I've had going since I got here cuz it would be all hidden there in case anyone else had the same problem.

I've got a small tank with an Undergravel Filter, and when I first set ut up the bubbbles comming back up the tube thing covered about half the surface of the water. Yesterday I cleaned the tank, and when I put the bubbler back on it was way stronger than it used to be. It's out of control... it's covered the entier surface of the water so there's no where to drop the food in... and I've got a betta so I'm worried the poor dear cant use his labyrinth organ either without open water surface.

It's the same amount of air being moved... it has to be... it's the same pump and the same hose, and the same airstone... so.... what the heck happened?

Are you sure that the bubbles are coming out more quickly, or are the bubbles just staying intact longer on the surface, creating a bubbly water surface (meaning something in the water that is allowing the bubbles to stay intact longer)

Otherwise if the bubbles are definitely coming out stronger possibly you moed your pump a bit and it was previously sitting on something that partially blocked the filtered air intake on the air pump (usually on the bottom)

hmm :? I couldn't tell you for sure but here I my only thoughts... Did you clean the airstone? My old airstone got very dirty and wasn't producing very many bubbles at all, then I put new ones on and then it was much better.... as far as bubbles staying on the surface of the water, my only thought is there's something in the water. It shouldn't do that with just plain water. If there was ANY soap residue it could do that, I've also seen that happen with certain meds... Are you using any medications or anything right now? Those are the only thoughts I have, maybe someone else has a better idea...
It's a new airstone... I'm new to this so yeah... it was never dirty. I dind't clean it.

I dunno if they are staying longer or comming out more... all I know is the bubbles are taking over.

The only stuff in the water is "AquaSafe" water conditioner, I put it in the freshwater before I put the freshwater in the tank. But... I put that in the tank when I set it up at first too... so that hasn't changed anything... any idea how to slow it down in that case?

Peculiar thing... when I droped in a little of the flake food I alternate with the pelets... the surface of the water imidiatly cleared... it reminded me of that science experiment everyone does in the 6th grade with the milk and the dish soap and, I think it was vineger... anyhow... the problem seems to have fixed itself.

Thanks for your suggestions anyway!!!

Male bettas also build bubble nests at the water's surface to entice females to mate. Whether or not you have a female, males often do this in a aquarium setting. I had some gouramis do this about a year back. It's possible this was the cause of the bubbles, but it sounds like you've solved the problem.
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