outdoor aquariums

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 18, 2016
I have a tree house in my backyard and I would like to know what kind of materials and plants i would need to use to start an outdoor fish tank. The area does not get too much sun and i heard that anacharis plants provide oxygen given that i do not have a power supply available up there, which means that i can not control the heating and oxygen flow. I heard that fresh water fish are best for outdoors because they have a high temperature tolerance. What kind of fish would be best for this weather? Is there any possible way for me to keep them happy and healthy in the Canadian summer weather?
I'm going to make a presumption that you mean a pond and not an aquarium.
How large of a pond are you thinking of? We have several outdoor ponds, ranging in size from 75-6,500g. Only the large pond has power to it, due to a large stream that needs a pump, and a skimmer. Size will be a major determinant as to what type of fish you put in it, as will your growing zone. What part of the country (world) do you live in? Will the pond freeze in winter? If so, what will you do with the fish then?
Koi are warm water hardy, but require large amounts of water. In a 500g pond, you could maybe have 2 koi. In smaller ponds, fancy goldfish do well, and plain comet goldfish are cheap, hardy, and fast growing. Or, you could always try fish native to your area.
As for plants, there are several websites about garden ponds that can answer what type is best for what you plan.
If you are thinking of a tank, then I would say Guppies or endlers. If you did male only stocking you could avoid a million Guppies.

Anacharis is awesome and it will flower too
If you are thinking of a tank, then I would say Guppies or endlers. If you did male only stocking you could avoid a million Guppies.

Anacharis is awesome and it will flower too

+1 Guppies or endlers are very tolerant of temperature and should do well outside. A Betta would to, they do great in warm water.

How sturdy is your tree house? Do you have a picture of it?
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