Outside Leaves

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 14, 2012
Does anyone use dried leaves from outside as part of decoration in ur tank? Been reading a lot lately on the benefits of them. Just curious.
I've never done it personally but I've heard of some people using them to give there water a tea color for a more natural river look
Never used them I don't really want to. I've heard people using oak leave for shrimp and crawdads though.
Ive heard that some leaves can make fish want to breed. Sorry but i dont know what leaves or what fish...:facepalm:
Indian almond leaves are super popular and common for purchase online. You have to change them periodically tho.
There great for fish and shrimp that like to hunt, and they lower the PH. And they look natural :)
adammorrill said:
Ive heard that some leaves can make fish want to breed. Sorry but i dont know what leaves or what fish...:facepalm:

I seem to remember something about Betta breeding and sometime of leaves. Maybe killifish as well.
For the blackwater effect you can try rooibos tea. About 1 bag for 15 gal. Make a strong cup, black no sugar :), and just pour it in the tank. I do it once every 2 months few days before a waterchange.

It has the added benefit to improve the imune system of the fish as well. Some folks over here has successfully used it for parasites but personally have never seen it.
I just thought a couple along the bottom of a tank would give a real look to it like leaves from a tree. All I know is the leaves have to be dry and clean of any debris. One article stated using oak, maple, stuff we have in our yards. I might collect some this fall and try it. They would have to be changed often but what the heck. Could be cool looking. I can't really come to terms of buying leaves, even almond. Most of is are trying to rid leaves, not pay to have them, lol.
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