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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 18, 2014
My ten gallon tank has a betta fish, two small nerite snails, and two medium-sized panda garras. I'd like to get some neon tetras, and form what I've seen online, six is the minimum school number.

So, can I-
-Add six tetras to my tank and not be overstocked?
-Have five instead, if not six?

I'd recommend upgrading to something larger like a 20-30 gallon as your panda garras would be much happier in something that size. Then if you were to upgrade, you could get a school of 6+ neons! Bioload wise I'd say you're not overstocked but space wise, panda garras tend to get fairly large so a roomier tank is always better!
_drago_ I've had them for a couple years, and they're only around and inch and a half long. Will they get larger? If not, do you think it would be okay to get some neons?
If they haven't grown it's due to stunting in a small tank. I'd move the Panda Garras to a 20Long or larger.

Then I'd decide on suitable tank mates for a Betta. I keep mine alone or with snails. I think a 10g is on the small side for Neons to move around. I've done it. But seeing mine in a large group in a bigger tank has swayed me to recommending 20g or larger for them.

There are micro Rasboras or CPDs but not sure how they'd do with a predatory Betta.
If they haven't grown it's due to stunting in a small tank. I'd move the Panda Garras to a 20Long or larger.

Then I'd decide on suitable tank mates for a Betta. I keep mine alone or with snails. I think a 10g is on the small side for Neons to move around. I've done it. But seeing mine in a large group in a bigger tank has swayed me to recommending 20g or larger for them.

There are micro Rasboras or CPDs but not sure how they'd do with a predatory Betta.
I agree a 20 for neons and garras. Need the larger footprint.
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