Painted glass fish???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 15, 2004
new brunswick
i was just at my local pet store and saw these fish, the painted glass ones. I asked the clerk about them and he said they were part of the tetra family. Im like oh kool they are neat. So i come home to do a lil research on em cause im curious of these. Incase no one knows what im talking about here they are practicly see threw fish with neon stripes on there backs (pink, green, blue, orange, and yellow). Anyone know what im talking about??? Well im reading and searching and i come to find that there is alot, and i mean alot of contraversy on these fish??? I come to find out these fish are injected with dyes to make em look this way??? And ive found quite a few people claiming their injected fish get ill unexpectedly. and the ones at the pet store were not for sale do to a parasite the guy said. I was just wondering if anyone had any info on these fish so i can learn more. I would never buy one cause the injection thing seems so cruel even if i dont know anything about it it still seems wrong. So ya anyone have any opinions are anything here id apreciate it cause id like to learn more. Right now i am unsure of if these fish are tetras like the gentlemen said or catfish like ive been reading... one one hand i have the internet... which has its good and bad points.. and the petstore clerk which called me a liar when i mentioned that my betta was attacked by a sm black skirt tetra. SO yes anything would be great. even if its an opinion.
They are a lightly brackish fish (a glass-fish, not a tetra), are injected (which is cruel and leaves them very vulnerable to infections, particularly fungal). I will not purchase them myself, and tend to boycott shops that carry them.
I know of some painted glass fish that aren't injected with dye: they're dipped in an "acid bath" to strip the slime coat from their bodies and then dipped into those horrible colors. The slime coat then reforms, holding the color on for a short period of time. Either way, the process is extremely hard on the fish and seems to cut their life spans drastically.

Whatever you do, DO NOT buy any of those fish! The only way the farms will stop "creating" them is if we don't buy them.
That is the crewlest thing iv ever heard! its amazing that some people will want to injur such a beatuyful fish just for some color, its like plastic surgery for fish, just the fish are being forced to be more appealing, whats wrong with them without the color, i think the transparentness to them is kinda cool
that type of treatment just makes me sick... even if people consider them to be "just fish." I wonder if animal rights people are attacking this (I'm sure they are, just haven't heard).
wouldnt the bright colors also make them an easy target for fin nippers? The torture these fish go through just to look pretty. its like someone 3000 times your size draging a baby to a plastic surgen and forcing you to get a boob job! i dunno about animal rights tho, the very fact that it might be an non-toxic injection, or the use of chemicals so the fish dont feel it or something like that is stoping them. animal crewlty happens all the time because ppl find loop holes. it just makes me mad(maybe going door to door with pics and info getting signatures if we get enough in many different cities they could possibly shout the madness down, but i highly doubt it. like i said before there must be some reason.)
Yep, I don't like the selling and treatment of the colored glass fish either. The fact that they are injected makes me sick.

Yes, they don't live as long because the die and what they go through to get the cool colors supresses their immune system. You will hardly ever see a perfectly healthy colored glassfish, and if you do, it won't stay that way for long.
at my LFS all theses helpless fish had a stange fungus and i wanted to buy one, just to give it a nice home and a safe place to stay even if there was a fungus, but the pet store guy said it wouldnt be a good idea, i felt so bad these poor fish have gone through enough then the pet store ppl have the nerve to stick 30 in a tiny tank. another thing bettas. the betta strater kits are like 1/2 gallon, now i know that this is also torture, but how do they get away with it, while is was there i over heard one telling a costumer that 2 gallons are way to big for a betta, and that they prefer this great new "betta starter kit" i was so pissed
How silly is this ...

Im currently looking for Indian Glass fish (NOT PAINTED of course !!),
and it's nearly impossible to find them not being painted...

LPS don't keep them not painted because "it's not a big seller" (as per LPS guy)!! If they would only educate people on how theses fishes are interesting, not being painted. They are amazing to look at because of their little transparent bodies through witch you can see all their internal systems.

A lot of people have no respect for animals. It seems that because it's easy for us (human being) to modify everything around us we just don't take in consideration that all living creature share this planet and we need each other to keep it balanced...
my LFS has had one in the tank for a month now, I want it so badly, but I don't hav the room in my tanka, plus I've heard they are a brackish fish that needs to be in a school, and I don't have another tank to set up... I think my roommate already believes I'm crazy, and I don't think she will want another tank... *sigh*
ouch!! I hate needles!!! I think that petition needs some help in becoming easier to find... it was just by luck that i ran across it, and i think that is why only approx 3,500 have been able to sign. by getting people in AA to sign, we coupld prolly almost double that number!! plus, i'm sure some people could send it on to other fish forums that they are on
Ya that patition should be posted somewhere that it will get better attention and more support! Its so disgusting what they do, there is another way to change the color other than injections and dipping, they are now also feeding the fish highly dyed food in order to change their apperiance. Why cant ppl just love a fish or an animal for its natural beauty????? its so discusting.

I found this other site also there are all kinds of injected fish and stuff on here its basicly an oganization against the injections to tropical fish.
and there are so many ppl on AA that could sign the patition also. It would really help, even adding it to webpages or other used forums also.

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