Panicing! Help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 14, 2011
Slidell, La
So, today I woke up late, noticed some water on the floor, thought something spilled. Then I noticed the water level in the big tank was low. Didn't think much of it. Then my roomate pointed out that the tank w's dripping. Cue freak out. It appears that my filter was leaking, my stand I soaked. So my plan is to drain all the water, net the fish, and take the tank off the stand so I can get it dry and maybe replace the wood on the top of the stand. It is already warping. I'm about to start draining. Does my plan sound good? Any tips? I'm going to play with the filter and see if I can find or fix the leak, as well. I think it was just overflowing a little.
How big is the tank? Be careful when you take it off of the stand.
56 gallon column tank. And yeah, I'll be careful. I've had to move it a couple times and it's not fun. Thankfully I have help. Half the water is out now, and I've got most of the fish out. Had to sit down and take a break. I went and got a new garden hose so I can just suck all the water straight out the door, and I used some old pantyhose to keep small fish from getting sucked out. Never thought my Victoria's Secret hosiery would end up in my fishtank, lol. It had runs, anyway. Things like this are why I don't throw pantyhose away after a couple little runs.
what kind of filter is it that leaked. My aquaclear leaked and it was the o-ring or gasket that needed replacing. A lot of brands of HOB's sell replacement parts I've noticed. Good Luck!
It's a brand new marine land bio wheel 350. I think I may have to just silicone around some of the areas I modded so it would fit. Hopefully that is the problem, as that would be the easiest fix. That or just overflow from too much filter batting in there.
i had a end of a spray bar with a steady drip didnt start the first days i ran but about a week later had to change it out from lucky didnt spill out like you.....good luck and use lots and lots of clear on your wood so your protected:blink:
Ok, the good news is the stand is intact. Only a little damage at the very edges, so it shouldn't need replacing or anything. It has been dried off and I'm giving it an hour or so to dry further. The tank is on a table for now, I fixed the paint on the back where it was washed away, and the filter is in my tub, and apparently no leaks from the casing itself. So odds are it was overflowing. I'm going to fill it up with less media and turn it on and see what happens. This was not how I wanted to start my "weekend" at all, but at least I didn't have to work today. Well... At least the tank is getting a massive water change, lol.
Looks like it was just overflowing. I took out all the extra media, and it seems to be running fine now. I'm keeping a very close eye on it from now on.

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