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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 2, 2003
well, this is of no threat to me as of now, but i am still wondering about it. I while back i had a goldfish and one day i noticed a fairly large round thing on his tail area. I put some quick cure in (seeing as how it cures a lot of diseases, not knowing what it was.) No results. However after a couple more days, i had noticed that the round thing had moved from the tail to the dorsal fin. I thought it must be something alive, and thought about a parasite. I read up on them, and they said to "try to pick off visible parasites" and that is exactly what i did. I put him in a bowl, took a fork and scraped away. Now i was trying to be very careful, (and believe me it wasnt easy) but i finally got the thing off. What happened next was amazing. The thing swam around in the bowl looking for a host. Scared that it would re-attach, i immediatly ran my fish to the tank. I was very happy. However, not too long later he started picking on my other fish, and had to remove him. but i wasnt too sad because just before he got removed he got ANOTHER parasite. well i thought that is was an interesting story. Any thoughts or questions???
*nods and agrees*

Sure sounds like a parasite. Thing is, watch your other fish; there's a good possibility they will become infected with it as well (as it is probably in the tank). I'll see if I can find out which type your guy might have had.

There's a ton of different parasites out there, many of which could be it. Without further detail its hard to say. But for further reference (as in, you may see them again) Clout is the recommended treatment for most parasites.
hmm... well this was a while ago, and only one fish became infected (but he became infected twice.) So far my other fish are doing just fine, and it has been about a month. i just thought it was interesting how it swam around when it was off. man i hated that thing. thanks for the comment
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