Paul's 38 gallon reef tank

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beautiful man!

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Thanks! I'm not gonna lie, its pretty awesome upclose in person. Here is a pic I tool with my phone shortly after being introduced into the DT. Run for your lives asterinas! :lol:

I love those shrimp. Thinking about geting a pair of them from my lfs.

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Unfortunately I haven't seen her since I put her in the tank. I read its normal. They find there spot and stay unless hungry. I have a lot of caves and crevasses that she could be shacked up in and still plenty of asterinas. I really would like to see her again soon! I think im gonna go ahead and get a chocolate chip in a week though.
Here are some better pics I took with my camera while acclimating the harlequin.


The torch is still doing great as well as the RBTA. Also noticed a little bit of growth on my blue sympodium! Such a slow grower. Chestnut turbos started cleaning immediately too. Heres some pics. :)




I agree those snails are pretty nice looking. What were they again?

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Thanks guys. They are chestnut turbo snails. I only see then every once in a while, not sure if they are kinda rare or what. Ive had some before and my hermits seemed to like those orange shells! That was before all my hermits were switched to scarlet reefs. Still no sign of the harlequin, hope shes doing ok..
I like the shells of the chestnut snails too
my only problem is I could never get them to survive for long periods of time
hope you have better luck with them than I did
I would love to see some hermits in those nice looking shells wonder if I could find empty shells like that
I like the shells of the chestnut snails too
my only problem is I could never get them to survive for long periods of time
hope you have better luck with them than I did
I would love to see some hermits in those nice looking shells wonder if I could find empty shells like that

Its a possibility. The guy I got them from has a few hermits rocking those bright orange shells! LOL. I Used to have a couple myself, not really sure what happened to them. I think after they get so old they start to loose the orange color. They also have brown chestnut turbos as well, not sure why youd want them though. I didn't have much luck with them before either but I figure its worth another try. Got 3 for $7 which I considered a deal because he sells them for $3 a piece for orange. One of my hermits took over the spikey decorative shell in my tank today. Ive only ever had one other hermit live in it. its got sponge, coralline, and a feather dusters living on it. Hes the king now!

So happy right now! FINALLY seen my harlequin since I put her in the tank. I was starting to worry. I walked in just in time to see her on the backside of a rock on top scooping up an asterina! I couldn't get the camera out fast enough because she was already on her way back down with the star. Got the very bad cell pic though. Man, she is so awesome. :dance:

Well I suppose she is finally comfortable. Been in and out all day snatching up asterinas. Not skittish at all of the fish or me. Very happy. Here's some pics I took of her out catching stars that are alot clearer. Can't stop getting pics of this beauty! LOL.


any idea on how many it eats in a day?

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any idea on how many it eats in a day?

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I'm not really sure. She's literally in and out all day. Just guessing id say somewhere around 15-30 a day, but I could be way off.
So I totally just hand fed my harlequin an asterina star! Noticed he wasn't scurrying off when I had my hand in the tank feeding. Gonna try to get it on video next time. :)
Vid or it didn't happen!

Should have known that! LOL. Will do, did it again not that long ago but she was at the bottom of the tank under a rock. Couldn't hold that tiny asterina with my fingers and reach where she was. Had to use tweezers. I'll try to get it tomorrow.
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