Paul's 38 gallon reef tank

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FTS's taken today. 2nd one is a low perspective (the lighting was more intense).


Got a video uploading now of my feeding my harlequin an asterina with some tweezers. Wasn't able to actually hand feed it because of where she was, plus it is kinda difficult to hold a tiny asterina with my fingers to where she can get it, but I will get that recorded I promise she has done it before. Here are a few more shots I got today. :)

My harley posted up nicely on my war coral, she's so photogenic!

Baby RBTA looking healthy.

Chestnut Turbo. These guys have been nonstop all over the tank since I got them. Super active, not like I remember them being the last time I got some.
Picked out all visible bubble algae in my tank today while feeding. Man, I really don't like this stuff.

I've had some bubble algae pop up lately too, thinking of ordering a emerald from reefcleaners, they guarantee that there emeralds will eat bubble algae.
Emeralds are awesome
They sometimes pick at my corals

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Yea, I've had emerald crabs before. They are pretty cool, but will eat just about anything they wish. At first when they were very small they never messed with coral. Once they got a little bigger I noticed one nipping at my coral pretty good so they had to go. Wasn't worth the risk to me. So far only thing I know that it reef safe and with eliminate bubble algae are Tangs, rabbitfish, foxface and such. And they need a big tank. Some angels will, but they can nip at coral as well. Ive though about giving a pygmy or flameback a try, but just not feeling risky enough. Hopefully Ill get this coralline algae growing back good like it once was (now that my harlequin is devouring the asterinas that ate it all) and it will outcompete the bubble algae. Been a little while since I tested my phosphate and changed GFO too. I probably need to go get on that. I have heard some success stories with the emerald crabs though. Keep them well fed and they probably wont go after corals. But then again who is to say the will go after the bubble algae when well fed too. Worth a shot but keep an eye on em.
I have 3 emeralds never once have I seen them go after the bubble algae , mine are on the bigger side so that may have something to do with it , you may have luck with the small young ones but like anything it's the draw of the dice if they will or wont eat it.
Awesome shrimp! They are so pretty but I don't know if I could stomach the feeding. If they only sold frozen bite sized starfish I could use instead. Your tank looks awesome!

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Awesome shrimp! They are so pretty but I don't know if I could stomach the feeding. If they only sold frozen bite sized starfish I could use instead. Your tank looks awesome!

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Thanks! Some fish stores sell frozen starfish so I've heard though I have never seen it. Starfish are really cool, but I will be feeding chocolate chip starfish when shes done with the asterinas. I don't care for either of those so it doesn't really bother me.
So went over to my buddies house who is running his own coral and fish business, along with some reptiles. I traded in my brittle star for a chocolate chip and worked in on a deal with about 10 ceriths and this frag of lunar eclipse palys with some kind of light green center mystery zoas. The lunar eclipses are bright. Everything acclimating now here is some pics.


Here are 2 of the frag tanks in his setup and a shot of his purple tile fish and flame angel in his 125g tank. Not the best quality, just thought I'd share. That purple tile fish is about 6" and is really awesome looking in person.

All Zoanthids! My favorite tank to look at when I'm over there!


Slowly making my way into some more SPS's. Picked up this awesome red digitata today along with a frag of some really cool zoas and palys. Just gotta separate the from the radioactive dragon eyes and some kind of microalgae, 2 pests i don't want. But the 2 types of polyps I got was a major score. Have to wait for pics of them but here's the monti digitata under actinics. (low quality cell pic)
Oops. Here it is. Color is way off for some reason. Its is actually very red, looks pink in the pic. Ill get better ones tomorrow of everything.

Got some better pics of the new pieces today. Very happy with this score considering I only paid $25 for all of it! Glad I found my hookup FINALLY!

Red Montipora Digitata (with harlequin stealing the shot!)

Blow Pop Zoas (hard to get a good pic where they are located. Had to shoot from above)

Pink Palys (not sure on the name, but I really like them)

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