PC wiring

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2004
Can anyone tell me which pins if any need to be shorted together on a square pin base bulb (using a ballast from lowes)?


fishfreek, i saw that one but it still didn't really explain which pins where which and I really don't wanna blow up my brand new bulbs. lol

it looks to me like i would short the top two pins together and the bottom two but i'm not sure. thanks for any help
What I gathered from the photos was you short the left two and thr right two together.
I have confirmed the wiring on that post with the wiring on my square pin endcaps. The left pins are wired together and the right pins are wired together.

My endcaps are wired so if your looking at the endcap from the back (the end where the wires go in) the left is wired red and the right is wired yellow.
Fishfreek, thanks. i just didn't want to blow out my new bulbs. thanks for your help

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