Pearl Danios

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 28, 2003
chattanooga, Tn.
My mother wants some Pearl Danios and I am unable to find any around town. Where would be a good place to look that will ship them. I need some one I can trust. Please help.
Hi teenhound,

1) Have you tried asking your LFSs if they can get the danios in for you? I've done this many times, and 50%+ of the time, the LFS can get the fish I'm interested in buying. This should be your first course of action if you have not already pursued it. This will be a lot cheaper than getting them online.

2), a reliable site, has Pearl Danios for $1.05 each. Bulk prices are cheaper. Here is the link: Fish2U warns that shipping charges generally start at $30 and go up from there! I've found no site that ships for cheaper, though.

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