pearl gourami vs dwarf gourami for 20 gallon ???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005
I was looking on getting a gourami for my 20 gallon.
at the moment I only have top feeders (white clouds) and bottom feeders (cories).
So I need a centerpiece for the middle of the tank.

Which (in your opinion) looks better - pearl or dwarf ??
how big do each grow ??
The pearls get to about 4" and are really to large for a 20g tank. Dwarfs only get around 2" and are a better choice. There are several different types to choose from as well. And no, you don't "need" to have more than one.
If you are planning on the pearl gourami's you have to be prepared to upgrade the tank when they get larger. I have 3 of them right now in a 20 gal, but intend to move them into a larger tank in a couple of months.
In a 20 gallon you might put 1 male and 2 females. He would probably make a nice bubble nest and hatch a million zillion Baby gouramis ;-)
Depending on how many of the other fish you have in there, you might even be able to do 2 males and 3 females (approx 10" of fish).
The link rich provided above has a nice pic of the female. You can easily tell them from the males.
I have 2 male 'flame' dwarf gouramis and i like them a lot. :)

They are more prone to getting sick though, so keep your water in pristine condition. :p
once my clown loaches have been moved all i will have is 6 neons and 1 CAE in my 20 gal do you think i would be ok with 2 males and 3 females in there. I like the idea of being able to have a flame red and a blue neon in the one tank
i ended up getting a flame gourami (i believe)
it looks like this


all red, and its dorsal fin is blue

I saw some pearl gourami (very pretty) - there were some baby ones (around 1 inch)
i also saw an adult (4 inch) - so it gave me an indication of how big they become !!
That is a beautiful specimen. I used to have some dwarf gouramis and they were some of my favorite fish to watch. They swam all over the tank at all levels. The only thing I didn't like was the male tearing up my plants to help with his bubble nest :lol:

I was fortunate to get both a male and a female. Now my fish store doesn't stock the females because their supplier doesn't ship any. It seems that customers don't want the plain looking females.
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