I've had my 55 Gallon Setup going with 4 Goldfish for about 3 months. Everything is fine with my Water Chemistry except one thing; my PH WILL NOT MOVE. I've tried Ph Down REPEATEDLY. At first, it was simply Tap Water, But i was told that my water might be too hard for it to decrease. Next thing i did was buy some Aquarium salt. I went through the whole carton (about 16 OZ) and my PH STILL WON'T budge. The Next thing i did was a 1/3 Water Change with DISTILLED water. There can't be anything but water in Distilled, right? No Change. The next thing i did was get a friend of mine that has a Well, to bring me 5 Gallons of THAT water. It had a little brown tinge to it, but that was to be expected. I added that with another 5 Gallons of Distilled water during a water change and it STILL won't move below the highest reading on my Kit. What Gives?