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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2013
Hey everyone so I have my 90 gallon setup for few years now and past while my pH has been sitting at about 8.8 to 9.2 and everything else is perfectly in spec for my South America cichlids I believe it's from my tap water what should my pH be sitting at for them and what can I do to lower this pH I also do water change every week I purchased this but my friend told me not to put it in the tank


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I am not sure I entirely follow what you are trying to do.

You want to switch to SA cichlids but your pH is too high so you want to lower it?

Which SA cichlids are we talking about? Also, we would need to know your KH.

I would have to look into it more but I am not sure that proper pH will lower your pH.
Sorry I currently have parrot, severum, Jack Dempsey and pleco they have been in the tank for about 4 years but recently after I did my testing with the kit I have just the pH was up to much so someone at big als told me to buy this product so help the pH sit at 8.2 but my friend told me not to use it
Update I did a 50 percent water changed and retested water and pH is sitting get at 7.4 is that good for my babies
Update I did a 50 percent water changed and retested water and pH is sitting get at 7.4 is that good for my babies
That should be fine. But swinging from 9 to 7.4 probably isn't super awesome.

You should test your tap water.
Ok I will do it and if this issue is because of the tap water what can I do to not have this issue again
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