PH won't come down

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 21, 2004
Woodbury N.J
I recently moved my fish from a 10 gal(tetras, shark,gupies). tank to a 33 gal. tank since then I have been loosing fish left and right. My Iradescent shark started to show a wnite layer all over him and his eyes. I tested my PH and it is at 7.5. I used the ph down to lower it and nothing happend after several day ao doing so. I consulted a local specialist and he told me that my shark was suffring from damage to hie skin due to the PH. He told me to purchase a water softner pillow remove my carcole filter and put the pillow in. He had me add Stress Coadt to my tank also. It has been a few days now and my PH will still not come down. My shark is looking better. I tested my Amonia and it is at 0. I've lost 7 fish in the last week.

Is the PH that critical?

Why wont it come down? (no plants,new rocks from petshop)
That white layer sounds like fungus

Your radical changing of the pH is doing more damage than good, and I'm surprise the've survived your pH down.

Don't worry about pH, Your fish have been acclimated to your pH since they were born in your area.

What you need to do, as it will relaly help us out, is get a picture of the sick fish.

Cause this white film sounds very much like fungus, and if it is it would require medication to treat.
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