Phantom tetra

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 13, 2013
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What is that white spot! The guy said it was a fungal infection but it hasn't gone away. I'm using pimafix and melafix for about 4 days now
People say pimafix and metafix don't actually work. It can't keep fungus from growing on eggs do how would it kill it on the fish.. Maybe try erythromycin or tetracyclin
those are both antibiotics and usually only work on bacteria, not sure it would help on fungus.
Its raised. I wouldn't say its "fuzzy". it looks almost like the whitehead of a pimple.
This one only has the one spot. And it has not spread but I had a previous phantom about 3 days ago that died. It had 3 spots just like it and i noticed its mouth could no longer close and it began to slowly deteriorate before my very eyes in less then a day. But that doesn't seem to be happening to this one.
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