Pictus Cat Color Change

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 31, 2004
One of my pictus cats lots his spots... he is solid silver now.... no black at all... Ive put in some plastic toys of various colors could have changed because of that?
IN addition to that my nitrates are less than 10mg/L and my Ph has changed from 7.2 to 6.9 for some reason...

this tank has been established for 4 months
I am not positive because I know some cats change color over the course of their life, but it sounds like it could be a stress reaction. Has anything else changed with your tank? Does he have ample hiding places and swim space? Is he harassed?
Also, what kind of plastic toys? Did you clean them off good before you put them in the tank?

I have no idea how the plastic would effect anything? But what aboiut something being on the plastic, that then got transmitted into your tank water?

It's definitley being stressed by somthing.
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