pine bark?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 18, 2011
Hello all, I have a silly question regarding pine bark. Could i use pine bark chippings to darken (and possibly soften) my aquarium water. I know i should use peat but i cant find it localy. Was at the pet store and saw natural pine bark chippings for reptiles, it says no chemical additives and i thought maybe i can use that instead of peat. I am looking to breed neon tetras and want to soften and darken my tank water. :confused:
Where do you live that you can't find peat moss? Every garden center carries it as do dept stores, any store that carries potting supplies. I would not use pine bark as it has a high resin content and it will probably rot in a tank. Peat moss has already gone through the process of rotting from it's original form. other things you can use are oak leaves and alder cones.
Peat moss is everywhere. From Walmart to home depot. It is a gardening staple and can be found in any garden center. Another name it goes by is spagmum moss. You most likely will not find it at a pet store.
I know for a fact lowes sells it i get mine there it's sold in the outdoor garden department year round it comes in a good sized bag it's like 15 bucks or so for tons of it. Usually last me a year, just make sure you don't buy miracle grow peat it has fertilizer in it that will kill your fish.
Discusapisto said:
I know for a fact lowes sells it i get mine there it's sold in the outdoor garden department year round it comes in a good sized bag it's like 15 bucks or so for tons of it. Usually last me a year, just make sure you don't buy miracle grow peat it has fertilizer in it that will kill your fish.

Where I am we don't have a Walmart or lowes. All the peat I found so far has fertiliser in it and as far as I know I can't use that. Would be very helpful if anyone can give me names of peat moss products I can find in Europe. Thank you all
Where I am we don't have a Walmart or lowes. All the peat I found so far has fertiliser in it and as far as I know I can't use that. Would be very helpful if anyone can give me names of peat moss products I can find in Europe. Thank you all
have you looked for a product that says 'spagmun' moss?
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