plain old backgrounds

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 15, 2004
I was wondering if there was a place on the web to find cool backgrounds that you can print off on your own pc. I looked at a few at the lfs and they did not have anything that really struck my fancy just thought i would ask if anybody would know of anything
thank you
Probably wouldn't look very good - how big is the paper in your printer? You'd need to print a certain portion and spread it out over them, and line them up exactly. The quality would be pretty bad, and if you ever splash water on it (and believe me, you will), it's pretty much ruined.

If you still want to go for it, I don't know of any sites, but you could just type "desktop wallpaper" into google.
this sort of task will be no problem for my printer and i was thinking of using contact paper to preserve it
(it is the one in my husbands office lol)
we use it every time we need a banner!
I bet you could make one in a program like photoshop and take it to a printing place to print and lamenate it :D
A good plotter used in Architecture, Engineering, Commerce Printing etc.....could do this easily. Generally, anyone with a plotter has high end software to go along with it. Kinko's could probobly do it, as well. Just save it on disk and see what they think.

Personally I'm fond of good 'ol black spray paint. :wink: Or, you could DIY 3D it. Theres a couple of great ones in the DIY forum.
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