Plant bulb question

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piao liang yu

Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 25, 2012
Just came from walmart (looking for quarantine tank and filter) and I noticed they have live plants in the form of bulbs that claim to be fully aquatic. They are just hanging on the shelf in a package with some food etc. So, can these types of plants be used for a low light setup? I am using stock lighting that came with my 60 gallon marineland ensemble. The plants were lilies and another was Aponogeton. Anyone had any experience with these? Package says they are guaranteed to grow. Just wonder if my low tech setup i.e. low light with no c02 would suffice for these plants?
Some do work some don't, I bought the same thing and only the Lilly grew and one of the other ones, I mailed back the "dead" bulbs 2-3 weeks ago but haven't got anything back from the company, I would suggest buying a plant fertilizer though. And your stock light should be ok because I had stock lights and they grew.
Some do work some don't, I bought the same thing and only the Lilly grew and one of the other ones, I mailed back the "dead" bulbs 2-3 weeks ago but haven't got anything back from the company, I would suggest buying a plant fertilizer though. And your stock light should be ok because I had stock lights and they grew.

Yeah, the directions said to just drop it in and let it sit on the substrate and it will root itself. I have a black sand substrate so I would just get some root tabs for them once they took off.
I actually covered mine having 1/2 to 2/3 being in the substrate, my African featherfin catfish kept digging them up and had to put the bulbs back in the gravel
I actually covered mine having 1/2 to 2/3 being in the substrate, my African featherfin catfish kept digging them up and had to put the bulbs back in the gravel

I don't have any catfish. I plan on adding about four otocinclus after my tank is more established though.
This is what the water Lilly will look like


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Well I got both the Lilly plant and the aponogeton bulbs at Walmart and my Lilly never grew :( but one if the aponogeton is growing quite well :) I don't use any ferts and I have no idea what light I use, I bought my tank used.
Also, my Lilly bulbs float. Are they supposed to? The directions said to drop them in and let them float...


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