Plant bulbs MOLDING??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
Last month i bought a 6 pack of mixed bulbs at Petsmart and they were submerged in my gravel rocks as directed on the packaging...
ONE onion sprouted within 5 hours and is now 2/3 up from the top of my 29g.
As I was vacuuming my gravel I was noticing white grainy stuff coming up the hose and upon closer investigation and rooting around I saw the bulb with white fuzzy mold growing on it. GROSS!! I searched around and found 2 more like it... 2 other bulbs have just broken open and have a tiny sprout so I reburied them. Those 2 don't have anything fuzzy on them.
Were those just bad bulbs and were rotting in the water?

I'm finishing up my 75% water change and will out everything back as normal. I'm changing out a large portion because it's been a couple weeks and I'm cleaning out the remainder of fry bodies and adult black waste clearly from eating newborn fry. Amazing after all that mess of fry and poo from adults there were still 50 fry I was able to save after birth a few days ago and put in their own tank!
Anyway... Gross discovery.. Any advice?? This was my first time experiencing with bulbs..

I have 3 adult female mollies, 1 juvie female Molly and a male Platy in the tank..
I have not had success with bulbs from petsmart or walmart. I buy plants that are already growing.
Personally, I would not plant bulbs in my tank until they are sprouted. That's exactly why. Also, you never know in which direction they will sprout so you just might plant it upside-down then you have a dead bulb rotting in your tank. There is an alternative... First, squish and sniff test. If it's squishy chuck it. If it smells yuk chuck it. Second, wrap them in MOIST paper towels and keep them in a WARM place. Keep moist, not dripping wet, and keep an eye on them. When they spout you know in which orientation to plant them. Tada! No more rotting moldy bulbs funking up your tank.
blert said:
Personally, I would not plant bulbs in my tank until they are sprouted. That's exactly why. Also, you never know in which direction they will sprout so you just might plant it upside-down then you have a dead bulb rotting in your tank. There is an alternative... First, squish and sniff test. If it's squishy chuck it. If it smells yuk chuck it. Second, wrap them in MOIST paper towels and keep them in a WARM place. Keep moist, not dripping wet, and keep an eye on them. When they spout you know in which orientation to plant them. Tada! No more rotting moldy bulbs funking up your tank.

I learned something new. Thank you!
blert said:
Personally, I would not plant bulbs in my tank until they are sprouted. That's exactly why. Also, you never know in which direction they will sprout so you just might plant it upside-down then you have a dead bulb rotting in your tank. There is an alternative... First, squish and sniff test. If it's squishy chuck it. If it smells yuk chuck it. Second, wrap them in MOIST paper towels and keep them in a WARM place. Keep moist, not dripping wet, and keep an eye on them. When they spout you know in which orientation to plant them. Tada! No more rotting moldy bulbs funking up your tank.

You're awesome! Thank you.. Perfect advice. I noticed the ones I tossed were squishy and the 3 I managed to save were hard and had nice color...
Lesson learned! :)
Okay... One of my lovely (LOL) dogs got into the bathroom trash and ate the rotten bulbs...
Ya I know I probably shouldn't have thrown them in such an easy trash can... Aye... Min Pins..
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