Plant decay?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2013
New York
It's less than one month into our 29 gallon planted tank. We're still cycling, but it's going well, and we've been able to move water changes to every other day. We have a number of different types of plants, ocelot sword, moneywort, Japanese dwarf rush, and anacharis; all purchased from We had a ruffle plant, but it didn't transport well and died fairly quickly. I'm concerned about the anacharis, see attached pic


(hopefully I attached correctly - this is our first post!) They have this brownish look to them, which they've had since we got them. When I google the name, the photos do show some brown to them, but I feel like the brown spots are leaves that have begun to decay and almost flake off. They're growing new stems very quickly, so they have to be somewhat healthy, but how do we go about pruning them? Should we remove the plants with brown leaves in their entirety? Does anyone have any experience with this type of plant? This is our first tank so any advice would be great! Thanks in advance!
What kind of equipment are you running? Are you running co2. Are you dosing? If not, are your substrates inert? Or are you doing root tabs?

By the looks of your picture it looks like your plants are just still in the stage of acclimating. They're not quit melting, but instead just rotting away old leaves. The weird part though is that it usually doesn't take anarchis that long to acclimate into a new tank.

Has it grown any new leaves or grown in height any since you've received it?

Would need your equipment info before any judgement can be made.
Thanks for answering! It's a marineland bio wheel 29 gallon tank w/ led lights. We're not dosing with co2, but we do have air stones - so that might be something to look into. We used Eco complete substrate for planted aquariums, and have dosed with flourish a few times, but not too often because we didn't wan to do too much during the cycling.

They are growing though! The plants are sprouting new stems, bright green, and fairly quickly too. We've propagated a number of times already. I'm just wondering if we should somehow weed out the rotted leaves.. I'm not sure what harm they would cause too the tank, aside from clogging up the filter.

If you need more info on my equipment just let me know. I'm still working on my tank lingo!
There are certain plants you can get that welt when the roots are taken out of substrate. I know that wendtii's do this. If fact mine did when I bought it at my LFS and planted in Eco complete. It took a few months for it to grow like it should but hopefully that is your case. If you google the plant to find out if it does indeed welt, that might help you out.
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