Plant Only Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 13, 2009
I was wondering if anyone has created any plant only tanks that are for decoration? I'm interested in getting started. I don't have anything.

Where (online) can I find good quality tanks and plants to be shipped to my apartment. I have seen some "kits" of plants for different size tanks, but without any experience I don't know what is a good idea and what isn't.

I was thinking 10 - 20 gallon tank.
yes. you wont really need a filter though you should add a power head for water movement. if you need help finding plants let me know. i ship out a lot of plants all over the country. that is if you are in the usa.
what i do is buy all different kinds of plants and see what i like and what grows best in my tanks. i'm soon to tear out a bunch of plants and trying some aquascaping.
i highly recommend buying from people from your forums (ive bought from mgamer before) instead of online companies, you will prob get more plants and pay less. you can find them in the classified section
yes a power head is basically a under water fan. it pushes the water around the tank.
So, I tried fish once and the tank actually broke which was a huge mess. This is probably my greatest fear for getting back into large amounts of water (6 years later). Where is a good place to find quality tanks? (10-20 gallons)?
i think most tanks are the same besides the ada 3 million dollor tanks. im sure if you buy a new 10g for 15 bucks it wont break or crack.
Where do you find 10g tanks for 15 bucks? My initial 10 gallon fish tank search gives me results for $60 and up.
craigslist is your friend. i have got used 55 gallons for $30-40.... full set ups of 20 gallons for 10-20. it just depends on whats around you. never had a fish tank break on me ever. maybe it wasnt meant to hold water.

walmart sells new 10 gallons for 10-15ish.
I guess at this point I should go to walmart and investigate what they have there. Also, I should double check with my complex about whether or not I am aloud to have a tank (and what the size restrictions are). Does 10 gallons sound like a good starter tank?

I found that Aquascaping World website... some beautiful tanks in there. What plants are a good idea for someone just starting out? What should I be putting on the bottom layer of the tank... (is there something cooler to put down there than the walmart rocks?) Do I need any kind of heaters or will lights do the trick?
10g is great to start with for plant only. You should figure out lighting first, then figure out what plants suit the lighting you want. Read the article linked to above and decide how much money you want to spend on the tank. Then we can help you decide on plants. :) I've had several plant only tanks. Mine were smaller so my reasoning for no fish was that I didn't feel right putting any fish in the small tanks. I like plants more anyways. :)
I got my 65gal with oak stand, glass hoods, and light system (which was used for a saltwater coral tank) for $80 on craigslist. You just have to watch craigs list closely. He even threw in the a bunch of his fish supplies he had. And the tank was only 6 months old. I would not buy a new one if I were you; that is, if you want to save money.
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