Plant question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 21, 2004
Santa Barbara
I bought 3 potted plans from the LFS and didn't bother to ask the guy if I need to take them out of the little plastic pots they are in, or if I just put them in as is. I have a gravel substrate that is between 1 and 3 in. depending on the area of the tank. My african cichlids like to move the rocks around alittle, but not a lot. Thank you.

If I were you I'd take them out of the pots. This will allow their roots to spread better.
You might need a bit more substrate to get them firmly anchored, and you might find that plants won't work with Africans. They dig and most likely these plants will be floating on a daily basis, or if they are mbuna they will be eaten. Hopefully if you maybe put some larger stones around the base of the plant they won't disturb it.

I agree though they need to come out of the pots.
do you need to remove the cottony stuff around the roots? I don't know what it is called, but it all my potted plants came with that stuff on/around their roots. They grew into it so much that all I could do was remove as much as I could, but left the remainder on.
is it kind of like a light brownish cotton ball and it's pulled apart easily? most potted plants i've seen come with that stuff. I usually just take it out and then plant the plant. just take out as much as you can without damaging the roots.
thanks for everyones help. so far my fish don't move the plants around but they are getting a little beat up looking. Could be because my tank is at work and i wasn't there for a week and i'm not sure the lights were turned on everyday. i'm pretty sure they were left off for a couple of days. need to get a new timer mine quit working.
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