Plant Recommendations for 15w 16 gal?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 23, 2009
I have one of those pre-cycling black substrate which is supposed to be good for plants because it contains iron etc. And I have 2 amazon swords in there with java moss. I want to add more plants though, what do you guys recommend? My light is 15w 8k 18 inches bulb and I really want to upgrade if possible. However, my light hood says 19w in the back of it I'm guessing that's the maximum it can handle or am I wrong? How much will a new bulb be? Thanks.

If anyone is getting rid of their overgrowing plants I would love to have some!
At 15w over 15g, I'm afraid you're going to have to stick with very low-light plants unless you upgrade the lighting. Keep in mind for a 15g, you might need/want to consider CO2 if you go over the 2.5 watt per gallon mark.

Crypts, vals, java moss, java fern, anubias are going to be pretty much your limitations. That said, when well-placed these plants look great.

Pigmy swords will also be okay in low-light and will be good for ground cover.
Oh thanks, I'll see if I can upgrade my lighting. Btw, do I need a new light hood altogether? It just says 180 volts 19 watts on the label, is that the limit on my lighting?
you have to get a new fixture or upgrade the ballast and end caps in the one you have. it would be alot easier to find a new light, even make one with cfl bulbs
thats the limit. what i would do is look for a standard incandescent hood and put cfl bulbs in it. best bang for your buck.
Hmm i always thought the long skinny bulbs works better in terms of lighting? Is it the same as cfl bulbs? I think what I'll do is save up some money and order the fixture off a fish magazine that I just saw with like 2 light slots in there total of 40 watts or so.

Can someone explain to me the t5 8k or 10k thing please? I've heard the smaller/thinner the light the better?
the t rating is the diameter of the bulb in 1/8's of an inch... so a t5 is 5/8". The "k" or kelvin rating is the color temperature. If youre looking at upgrading fixtures, fish need it;lights; food;Sponge is a good place to order t5ho fixtures cheap, or look in to the current nova extreme or nova extreme pro, theyre some of the best lights you can get.
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