Planted 10 gallon begginings

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Nice. What are the plans moving forward? More plants, DW, or stones? Mosses and/or Buces might look nice in there. Then again, I kind of like the stark emptiness of it (aside from the DW). Unless those fish are prone to jumping, I’d raise the water level to the lower edge of the rim.
All great observations fresh. I actually have now raised the water level, and these fish probably won't be in the tank at judging time, I just wanted something in there and the guppies were available from another tank. I bred those females.
More plants are coming and I have some river stones to add. I've never scaped a light sand tank so it feels a little different than dark sub planted tanks. With the wood and floating plants (which I hope multiply) I'll have to stay lower light on the plants. Diy co2 too.
It’s been a while since I’ve used light colored sand. One concern would be if it washed out the colors of the inhabitants.
Ember Tetras would look nice in there. Smaller than cardinals and colorful.
I can send you some guppy grass or subwassertang for you to try out and see how it looks in there. Low light and low maintenance.
How much time do you have before judging?
Good point on washing some fish out, it may cause the cherry shrimp to be lighter as well. I'll have to keep that in mind on stock selection. I like embers but can't get them locally. I may go with something like harlequin rasboras or hatchets.
I would be interested in trying some guppy grass or subwassertang, what would shipping run to 29640? I'm trying to do this build as low budget as possible to show you can have a nice natural tank without selling any organs lol. That's why I reused the old white sand, I'm about $10 into this build so far, just using things many fish keepers have laying around.
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