Planted 6g nano cube help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
Ok, so I have decided to do a planted fw tank for my nanocube!

This is what I have:

Suggestions for fish and plants? It's got 3wpg. I know I want to try some downoi as BrianNY already suggested...I looked it up and it's beautiful!

I also need help with dosing schedule for flourish excel. omg I am so excited! I am not "new" to plants - I have some in my 20 gallon...but they are just there I don't do anything so I definitly will need help! Thanks!
For plants, you could try Glosso for the foreground, with the Downoi beside it. Downoi does best in acidic water IME, so keep that in mind. I'd use a substrate like ADA Aquasoil, since it lowers the KH a bit. Other plants to try would be some small leaved stems like Ludwigia arcuata, Rotala rotundifolia, Baby Tears (M. umbrosum), and some smaller Cryptocorynes like parva and petchii. You could attach some Anubias nana petite to driftwood or use some moss. :)

For fish, I'd go wtih some micro rasboras, like Boraras maculatus and maybe some Cherry Shrimp for the bottom.
Keep in mind that 3WPG really isn't a lot of light over this size tank. My guess is that it will be in the medium light range if you're using a full daylight bulb. Probably only low light if using the 50/50 bulb.

If using Flourish Excel, you'll want to use the standard dosing schedule that's listed on the bottle. Just adjust to the appropriate amounts for the size of your tank. As a result you'll want to avoid both anacharis and vals in the tank since they are both sensitive to Excel.

Some nice sized plants for that size tank (not all of which will necessarily be appropriate for your lighting level) would be:
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne x willisii
Cryptocoryne x willisii 'lucens'
Anubias nana
Anubias nana 'petite'
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Micranthemum umbrosum
Rotala indica (Ammania sp. 'bonsai')
Didiplis diandra
Ranunculus papulentus
Marsilea sp. (clovers)
Eleocharis parvulus
Eleocharis acicularis
Dwarf Java Fern

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