planted tanks questions?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 25, 2012
i want to do a planted tank, but i don't really know what you need or what to buy for the look i want. i really want the grassy stuff all over the bottom but i'm not sure what to do. i have that crushed rock substrate and i don't know if that makes a difference, help!
Two big factors we need to know are the size of your tank and your current lights- wattage, and their type, ie 24w t5ho, t5no, t8, cfl, led, etc.
well i have a 29 gallon and i don't have a light really..i have one of those glass flip top lids. i couldn't afford a hood at the time and i didn't know what to buy, so i just never got around to it /:
No worries, I'm sure someone can chime in and let you know of a good fixture at a good price. As for the grassy effect, most would require high lights, which usually means some sort of co2. I had ricca fluitans attached to rocks do alright in my 10g with a 15w t8, but that would give you more of a mossy, carpet like effect than grass like.
Hi there, I'm fairly new to aquariums & was looking to do this as well.A good web site to look at is plantgeek, google them they will list all plants,grass effect,foreground, background what substrate,what lighting, care difficulty etc.
Hi there, I'm fairly new to aquariums & was looking to do this as well.A good web site to look at is plantgeek, google them they will list all plants,grass effect,foreground, background what substrate,what lighting, care difficulty etc.

thank you so much! that sounds perfect!
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