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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 27, 2014
Lincoln, NE
So about a week or so ago I was browsing Petsmart and they had this aqueon 25 gallon plant kit on clearance for $60. I had been considering if I should try a from plants and figured this was a sign from God so I bought came with 2 t5 florescent lights each at 14watts. I grabbed some floramax substrate and an Amazon sword and Java fern and sped home ready to set things up. Now that it's cycled and got fish in it I would like more plants as well. I know the swords is a background plant and the fern is tied to a rock until my drift wood is ready to go in. I was wondering if there are any short plants to put up front that will be OK in these conditions. In the tank right now I have 5 neon tetras 5 black tetras 5 harlequin rasboras 5 dwarf cories a gold mystery snail and soon there will be red cherry shrimp. I have an aqueon 30 filter which I think is good for up to 40 gallons another temp is 78°
Hello shay...

Not sure God was involved in your decision to buy the tank. She likely has more pressing things on her mind, but you never know. Anyway, a nice plant for the front or foreground of the tank is Anubias nana. This is a short version of the Anubias. It doesn't need to be planted, just attached to a piece of lava rock with some dark sewing thread and dropped on top of the substrate.

Have fun!

In that light you can do Crypts, Anubia's, Water Sprite, most Val's, Dwarf Sag, Java Ferns, and Bolbitus.
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