Plants and ICK question..

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Mad Professor

Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 18, 2005
Orlando FL
All my fish are dead and my plants slowly dying.

My last fish died some where around saturday and monday. I've been running the temps at 86-95F for this whole week. How long before I can move the plants to another tank with life without infecting it with ick?
If all your fish are dead. Then lower the temperature to 74-82. IMO wait 3-5 weeks for all the ich to die due to lack of hosts. In general, the ich exists on the fish, in the water collumn, and in the substrate.
Temps of 95 will kill the plants. It should be okay to put fish in there, as I don't think the ick will have survived those temps either. I am a believer that ick is present all the time in most fish, but does not get a hold of them till they are stressed.
If leave the tank without fish for 4 weeks, even at normal temperature, all ich will die as Zezmo said.
A week at those temps should have killed the Ich, but if you don't want to chance spreading it to another tank I would buy some ferts and add them to the tank. This way you can lower the temps back down to help the plants and not risk spreading the Ich.
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