Plants & clippings for sale

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 23, 2006
Westerville, OH
I have the following for sale.

Ludwiga repens (broadleaf) (3 bunches) 5 stems for $3
Ludwiga brevipes (narrowleaf) (13 bunches) 5 stems for $3
Rotala indica (8 bunches) 10 stems for $1.25
Bacopa caroliniana (7 bunches) 5 stems for $2.50
14" Amazon sword for $5
10" Amazon sword (2 available) for $3.50
Java Fern (3 plants) all 3 for $3

Shipping will be $4.25 and I will ship all on Tuesday or if I heard right and the post offices will be closed Tuesday for President Ford's funeral then it will be Wednesday.

Thank you,

Pictures as requested:

Ludwiga repens

Ludwiga brevipes

Rotala indica

Bacopa caroliniana

Amazon swords (sorry for outside glass water splotches)

Java Ferns

Payment method via Paypal
interested in the:
java ferns (all)
Rotala X 5 bunches
brevipes X 3 bunches

send me a total and a paypal address via PM

Updated list of what is left:

1-14" Amazon Sword
2-Bacopa caroliniana
5-Ludwigia brevipes

Thank you to everyone who has purchased at this point.

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