Plants first lighting later, oops.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 14, 2011
So in the past my tanks have only contained simple java moss or elodea BUT since we are settled now and not moving again for quite some time I decided to start planting up.

So I've begun on my goldfish tank first (Yep I know, they'll eat most plants. They're babies and I plan on attempting to keep up their veggies so they leave my plants alone lol)

It's 29G, long and short. I have some plants I can identify and others that had very basic labels on them at the lfs.

I have a very large Anubias
A random crypt
2 x swords
1 x labelled as water lettuce
2 x banana lillies

Now I know that swords are heavy root feeders so I've got DIY root tabs in the freezer to add tomorrow, the rest I have no idea of their requirements. Yep I know I should have researched this before I bought them but the lfs here have plants one day and none the next and always random never the same.

I need to buy a new light for them so if someone can give me a heads up on what they require I can go get exactly what I need. (I've currently just got a twin tube t8 from another non planted tank resting on top temporarily)

Please help?

Edit: I also have Fourish Excel and don't mind buying other liquid ferts if required.
What are the dimensions of the tank? Is it 30g long (36x12) or a 29g? I'm not aware of any 29g longs though.

What wattage is the fixture you are using now? All those plants are low light and low maintenance type plants. You could probably get away with stock lighting and no ferts. The swords with tabs will be fine too.
My apologies its a 36x12 so that makes it 30g. (I'm Aussie we don't do inches or gallons I converted wrong!)

I was also wrong about my light its only single tube 40w but it can't stay on the tank anyway it belongs on my 55g and I can't put my hood back on using this one so need a new fixture anyway.

Can I get away with a single tube 40w t8 or is there something more suitable?

Do I dose the excel or is it not necessary? Will it help growth?

They've been in the tank for 4 days now. I have some yellowing on the swords but everything else has already started to shoot out new roots.

Will my anubias be ok planted or do I need to attach it to something? It's my personal favourite in the tank and I've tried to make it the focal point.

Excuse my first time aquascaping attempt (if you can even call it that) but here she is.


Excuse the water I literally just finished a PWC
When planting anubias you want to keep the rihzome above the substrate or else the plants will die. A 40watt bulb would be plenty of lighting for the plants you have.
Yeah maybe get some driftwood for that anubias on left. Rhizomes are never to be buried
Ok so if I don't bury it as much but enough to keep the roots covered it should be ok?
Otherwise I will look for some small driftwood as the plant is already so big it would stick out of the water with anything of a reasonable size.

Edit: do anubias do as well if I attach it to a flat rock?
Ok so if I don't bury it as much but enough to keep the roots covered it should be ok?
Otherwise I will look for some small driftwood as the plant is already so big it would stick out of the water with anything of a reasonable size.

Edit: do anubias do as well if I attach it to a flat rock?

Yep.. You attach the anubial to a flat like slate ... I do agree a piece if DW will add to the tank ... Even if you don't attach plants to it. Is the tank up against a wall? If so I highly recommend adding a black background, you'd be shocked how much colors will pop!
Yes I've got the paint sitting waiting for some free time! I've got 5 tanks I want to do it to its just a matter of finding the time.

Thanks for the driftwood and slate advice.
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