Plants not growing well underwater

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 22, 2013
I bought these plants same time I set the tank up. Not long after I put them in, one of them in particular all the leaves rotted off. The other one is not looking particularly favourable either.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is this just a normal cycle.

They're growing great out of the water but not under the surface.

Any light shed on the issue would be greatly appreciated.


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A lot of the plants you buy in the store are grown immersed not submerged. So they end up dropping all of their leaves and have to grow new ones that are adapted to being submerged. Some literally melt and then grow back.
A lot of the plants you buy in the store are grown immersed not submerged. So they end up dropping all of their leaves and have to grow new ones that are adapted to being submerged. Some literally melt and then grow back.

The ones in the shop were under water as well. Apart from different substrate and possibly water temperature, there is practically no difference to how they were growing.
The plants were still probably grown emersed by the grower that sold them to the LFS. They probably had not time to change to submerged before you bought them. I saw your water wisteria and I do see some of the leaves are the emersed form. You need a good fert, root tabs, liquid carbon and medium light for them to do their best. OS.
What lights and bulbs are you using? What size tank? Are you using ferts and if so which ones? Are you using any liquid carbon or CO2?
Ah I see Old Scales, thanks for the explanation I was confused between the different of being submerged and immersed.
What lights and bulbs are you using? What size tank? Are you using ferts and if so which ones? Are you using any liquid carbon or CO2?

I am using LEDs as well as natural light during the day (it's right next to a window). 20G tank. No fertilisers. I was worried if some contained copper because I am housing Red Cherry Shrimp. I have carbon in my filter.
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