Plants not growing

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 23, 2014
Hi all,

Had a question for anyone. Around two weeks ago I broke my tank down and replaced gravel with eco complete fine grade. I dose flourish excel , flourish comprehensive , flourish trace , and root tabs.

Roughly how long should it take before I start to see any growth from my plants? So far no plants have put out new leaves or grown at all and the amazon sword I had in the old gravel was healthy then and has now deteriorated.

Just getting kind off frustrated as I want to see something grow for all the $$$ and time I put into it. Thanks
You will see new growth in time. Once a plant us uprooted, or moved it takes them a while to acclimate to their new environment. Its fairly common for Swords, and Crypts to (melt) when moved. They will recover. I've had plants take several weeks to start growing again after being disturbed. With your substrate, and ferts, once they take off you'll be trimming every week. :lol:
Light is also a factor. If the plants were doing well in your previous tank with your light, the will do fine now.
Well the light was fairly new and the sword was really the only one that was growing. Had a lot of algae with the old setup after I received the new light as it was a lot brighter than my old one. It's 39x2 watts t5ho but I wasant dosing carbon or ferts then and had regular gravel. It's a 58 gallon tank ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1394495349.389338.jpg
I don't want to criticize your light, but replace the bulbs that came with it as soon as you can. The bulbs they use are so far off spectrum its ridiculous. I bought Odyssea lights to, due to the price. I had constant algae problems. I tried longer photoperiods, less photoperiods, more CO2, less CO2. Even dosing glute along with the CO2. I even added extra K2SO4. After doing some research I finally switched out bulbs to Zoomed 6500/10,000 combo, and now the algae is dissipating. Bulb quality is a big part of your lighting.
Just my personal experience with Odyssea fixtures.
I will look into that. Will any t5 bulb work or only certain ones. Yes I bought it for the price when I should have just spent a little more for a better light.
I will look into that. Will any t5 bulb work or only certain ones. Yes I bought it for the price when I should have just spent a little more for a better light.
LOL We almost all do the same thing. I should know better.:facepalm:
I have never used the Current brand bulbs, so I can't really voice an opinion on them. I can say with confidence they are certainly better than the Odyssea bulbs.
I use Zoomed, or Giesman they both seem to be good bulbs.
If you decide to go with another brand, check out Kensfish. He has good merchandise at very reasonable prices.
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