Plants that cover the bottom

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Canada, Nova Scotia
Hey just wondering I see see alot of picture of people's tank where there substrate is cover in plants. I seens soem with java moss but some with small grass plants. I was wondering what the best to get for this and also this may sound dumb but how do they gravel vac without uprooting all the plants?
For most carpeting foreground plants, you need at least 2 wpg, and CO2 is recommended. Also, your substrate shouldn't be too heavy or coarse, as the smaller plants need a lighter substrate to root properly.

In a densely planted tank, you don't vac into the gravel, you only get the stuff off the surface.
There are a few carpet plants that will work in a low-light, non-CO2 tank (but of course will do better in higher light with CO2 supplementation): Marsilea spp. (any of the water clover species), Sagittaria spp. (most Sagittaria species will grow under fairly low light).
That's Elatine triandra. It grows so fast that I got tired of trying to keep up with it and removed it. Unfortunately I don't have any left :(
i just got some hemianthus callitrichoides and am hoping that it will do better and be easier than glosso--it's also said to do well under moderate lighting conditions...
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