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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 20, 2012
I have a 29 gallon tank that has been cycle for about a week want to add plants. Do i need any special kind of gravel for the plants to grow or can i use regular gravel?
Regular gravel works okay as long as you have enough ferts for the plants. I use liquid ferts and every tank has regular gravel. Mostly smaller size gravel works best for holding the plants down. Also, you don't have to wait for a tank to cycle to put plants in.
In sand or gravel if you get any plants such as swords or crypts they also do better when you use root tab fertilizers.
the substrate just have to be nutrient rich for plants. sand, gravel, both works. root tabs will give em nutrients for the planta
I put root tabs in once a month in all my tanks no matter what plants are there. They all appreciate it
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