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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 3, 2012
Stoke on Trent

I need help I have 2 amazon sword and 3 moss balls in my tank I would like to add more plants what would you guys recommend

All opinions welcome
Depends on how high tech you wanna get really.

If you're looking for low tech plants then Anubias variants, Java moss/Ferns and crypts are a good starting place.
Do I plant java fern in the substrate I want plants that can be planted in the substrate I have a T8 light unit with 2 20 watt bulbs
Java fern can be planted, just don't plant the rhizome or the plant will die, I have one an it has really grown!
I am low tech too, my favorite three plants are amazon sword, Anubias nana, and banana plant, oh, and also Marimo moss balls, you can't forget the balls in your tank!
You could always go the plants in pot method.. That way you can have the plants in a pot and you dont have to worry about them being in substrate because its super messy if it doesnt work out. It doesnt look the coolest but you can find pots that are econimcally safe for your water and yet be different colors. i found gray pots that look pretty cool actually
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