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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 3, 2012
Stoke on Trent
Hi I have a 35 gal tank which currently has 2 amazon swords and 3 moss balls I want to get more plants what plants would you guys recommend
O also I want plants that go in the substrate not on stuff does that make any difference to the above mentioned plants
Aquarium Plants

Hi I have a 35 gal tank which currently has 2 amazon swords and 3 moss balls I want to get more plants what plants would you guys recommend

Hello New...

Anubias, Java fern, and any of the mosses, like Singapore aren't particular about light, so these would work in about any tank conditions. You can also float Anacharis and Pennywort. Close to the light source, these will grow fairly well.

You can BUT you have to be sure to only plant the roots and not the rhizome in the substrate. To be perfectly honest IMO java ferns don't do well planted. You could get some Crypts, Wendtii's would be good, which are planted in the substrate and do well in low light. They do need to have root tabs put by them as they are heavy root feeders.
Agreed. The same goes for anubias. Don't plant the rhizome or else it will rot. Instead, just tie the plant to a rock, driftwood, or decoration. But I would recommend wisteria as it grows really fast (soaking up nitrates in the process) and does just fine in low light. You'll be able to make a nice bush once it fills out but make sure you trim it back every so often.
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