Platy eating an Algea Wafer

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 9, 2008
Wahiawa, HI
Is this normal? Should I remove the algae wafer or just leave it in. Don't want it to hurt the fish but not to sure.
That's perfectly fine and good for the fish.

Some fish like algae more than others, my endlers peck at algae wafers also but dont tend to stick around and really eat it. Which is good since its for my RCS
None of my fish would touch an algae wafer. They just sit there discoloring my sand. I guess it's a good thing that my cats love them--I won't have to bother tossing them out or returning them to the store.
Yesterday when I fed my tank (trying to get shots of my two female bettas) I dropped in algae wafers for my albino cories and pleco. My two female bettas ate their food and then went down to help the cories eat their algae wafers! I was so amused I just sat there watching them for the longest time. It was so funny. They would pick up the wafer and shake it and when it dropped the albino cories would continue eating, and this went on for quite a while! I just love fish!
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