Platy Stress/Lethargic

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 16, 2011
QP here, just needing some help with my platy.

This is my ten gallon, and I have three platies, one pleco, and a fiddler crab inside. They all get along just fine.

Tank has been up and running for three months. (Cycled, has algae.)

Anyways, one of my very healthy females has developed a vey strange set of symptoms.

Sits on bottom of tank
Fins severely clamped
Only unclamps and swims when I show up
Male is not harassing her. Actually staying with her through her ordeal.
Opening and closing rapidly of mouth, labored breathing.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20
PH 7.6

I feed Hikari Pellets/Wardley Shrimp Pellets/Peas/Occasional piece of Algae Wafer/Spirulina Flakes.

Please help me out guys. I would really appreciate it!

:thanks: QP
Constipated or egg bound? Has her belly shape changed?
I would say a TINY bit, I honestly think I'm imagining it. Nope. She is not preggo. The other one is though, swollen HUGE, massive gravid spot and a very visible birthing tube.

I turned off the aquarium lights and said goodnight, and shone some light with my iPhone. She is swimming unclamped. Might be just for the moment.

The fiddler crab is looming over her when she is on the bottom....

Update- She tries to swim but contorts, like swims but twists really hard and sudden to the side. Spinal injury? Shimmy?
One male platy, one female platy, one pleco, one fiddler crab. She came from the same tank as the crab, he is not the problem. The male isn't either...
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