Play sand in my peacock tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 14, 2013
Can this work And what are the effects of using regular play sand from lowes or home depot?
No effects at all. Wash it really well. It's pretty thin and dirty. Go with quikrete medium sand.
Alright thanks! So does that mean i have to buffer my water to raise ph then? since i only use crushed coral and aragonite before but im upgrading to a 100g tank and wanted a cheaper alternative.
Alright thanks! So does that mean i have to buffer my water to raise ph then? since i only use crushed coral and aragonite before but im upgrading to a 100g tank and wanted a cheaper alternative.

It depends what tap ph is. Give it a test and that should tell u if you need to buffer. I keep my ph at 7.8 or 8 and every water chance it dips to 7.2 or 7.4 so I add a couple teaspoons of buffer an it's good
Alright thanks! So does that mean i have to buffer my water to raise ph then? since i only use crushed coral and aragonite before but im upgrading to a 100g tank and wanted a cheaper alternative.

Also look at pool filter sand. Unlike the color and texture better and it rinses easier
I use play sand in my peacock tank with no problems. I have never buffered my water either. 99% of cichlids you will find for sale are tank bred and used to different ph than their wild caught brethren. Stable Ph > Buffered ideal Ph with the possibility of swings imo.
Alright thanks guys! Im going to set up my 120 with play sand. 120 gallon peacocks, haps, bala sharks, a channel cat, a bichir and a pleco on top. On the bottom im going to run a 40 gallon breeder with shellies! Ill update with some pics as soon as i have eveything set up!
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