Playing dead?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
I just got freaked out, lol. I looked at my 26G and saw a julii cory cat upside down in my L. repens plants. I thought, another fish died on me? LOL. Then I saw it breathing, and was going to take a pic. Just as I was getting ready to snap the shot, he flipped over and started playing with the other cories, lol. Boy I wish I would have gotten that shot, lol.
wow that's funny.........only time I've ever seen fish do that is just before they kick the bucket.
I hope he stays ok for ya LWB
Oh, he's done it before, lol. You never know when cories are going to pull a trick or 2 on you, LOL.

Here's a couple pics anyways....





Oh I like these! Will they school with other cories or do they need to be with other juliis?
They school and often play dead. Mine never go to their backs but lay on their sides and won't move until touched by something.

Just wait until you have a BN play dead on his back and not move. Freaked me out the first time my 5" BN did, and then the next 5 times. Now i just ignore him or play games with him until he wakes up. If you ever see it, drop an algae wafer in his belly and see him try to grab it like an otter or dog. Works dropping them on their head too. Will get a picture if I can.
My Jack Dempsies use to do that if you ignored them to get attention. Was always funny to have guest over freak seeing a fish upside down. :D
I wonder if they sleep as soundly as bettas and are simply sleeping? I can see a cory having no problem being belly up as they often explore caves belly up or pick along the underside of plants and decor.
So I read this post this morning. About 2 hrs later I was "tank watching" and could only count 3 panda cories. So I got UNDER the tank (ah, the benefits of nearly bottomless LOL) and found the forth - not moving. Waited a few minutes - not a movement at all ... not even a little side fin wiggle. Started getting nervous. Another cory comes by and swims right on top of this guy in his search for food - STILL no movement. RATS, he's "gone". I get the net out and missed the mark but did nudge him a little .... missed it a second time only accomplishing another small nudge ... GRRRRRRRRRRRR ... go for broke the third time .... PANDA SHOOTS AWAY.
Yeah, I think he was pretty much fast asleep. I hope I didn't ruin a really good dream ROFL :lol:
Yeah, my albino cories "sleep" quite soundly. No gill movement, no eye movement, nothing. They sleep in the cabomba. It must be nice and soft, as fishy beds go. :)
I don't know why he doies it but he loves to try and grab wafers that land on him when he is "sleeping".

My C. trilineatus are now playing games with the pleco when he sleeps. They will come up and eat right in front of his nose when he is upside down. Otherwise they won't go near him. Maybe it is actually a way for the pleco to let the corys know they can clean up the area in front of his cave. Kind of like cleaning stations on the barrier reefs where really small fish get to eat the parasites in turn for not beng eaten by the the fish they are cleaning that are 100 times their size.
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