Playing or Bully?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2013
Hey Gang,

Just wondering if there is a way to tell if my fish are just playing and chasing eachother or if there a a couple bullies in my tank? Its usually two fish that do the majority of chasing (possible niping). None of the fish have damage to their fins or body but sometimes I wonder if these guys are putting too much stress on the others or if its just play. Thanks for any input.
It would help if we knew what kind of fish is doing the chasing; but in general, if the fish being chased has no injuries, is not hiding, is eating well, and is the one to occasionally do the chasing, then all should be good. If the fish are new they're probably just setting up a pecking order.

Hope this helps.

It would help if we knew what kind of fish is doing the chasing; but in general, if the fish being chased has no injuries, is not hiding, is eating well, and is the one to occasionally do the chasing, then all should be good. If the fish are new they're probably just setting up a pecking order.

Hope this helps.


This. Keep checking for damage to fins. Once you see that, something will have to be done.
They are my largest Marbled yellow/black Mollly and my largest Zebra Danio. Again, I've yet to see any bodily injuries. But they chase/play?? with everyone in the tank not just from their school. Not long.. longest chasing session I've seen is maybe 5 minutes.
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