Please help! At wits end!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 28, 2011
Hi, my name is dan,


I own a 55 gal tank and a 39 gal. For years my mom owned many large tanks of fish fresh and salt water and never had a problem. Then several years back, she decided to give it up. I took interest about 5 months ago and figured I'd start of with a 39 gallon freshwater tank. I started by wiping the tank with a wet paper towel, then washed the substrate before putting it in, then put all the decorations in. I added the water conditioner and biological supplement and waited 48hrs before adding 3 silver dollar fish. After a little more than a month I decided to add 2 pearl gouramis and 2 powder blue dwarf gouramis. After a couple more weeks I added a pleco. after about three months of of thriving, I decided to add 5 small glass tetras. Within days I found one of my silver dollars died. I removed it adds tested the water-no problems. Days after the other two died. I tested again and the results were no different. I then bought a bigger tank with hopes that it would take awaysome stress. The fish did fine for a month so I bought a dragon gory, a blue crayfish, some angelfish and 2 snails after a few days, the gory and the crayfish were dead. The gory had mouth fungus. So I did a water change and began treating them for mouth fungus then did another water change. All four of my gouramis, my snails, an angelfish and 2 glass tetras died. A month later I decided to try once more with hardy fish. 2 mollys and 2 tinfoil barbs, both died. The two bamboo shrimp survived.

CURRENTLY IN MY TANK: 2 shrimp, 3 glass tetras, 3 angel fish, 1 pleco

CURRENT EQUIPTMENT: aquatech dual output power filter, aquafin 40 power filter, heater, rina air pump with a rock bubbler, all fake plants, fake rocks.

MAINTAINANCE: 15% water change biweekly, I've been draining some of the old water into a spare 10 gal tank then keeping the fish in there for 24hrs. I replace the old water with new tap water that has been conditioned for chlorine. I then add the biological supplement according to the size of the tank. Then wait and test it before putting the fish back in. I also clean all the decorations before the water change. I would like to note that I have never had a bad test result. I have had constant problems with my ph being a little low. But no matter what I put in the tank, it won't adjust(i havent put baking soda in yet)

Anyway, thanks for any help and I would be glad to give more info upon request.
Why are you cleaning the decorations and taking the fish out every water change? That is very stressful for the fish, and you are killing all of the good bacteria on your decorations.

What kind of test kit are you using?
I'm taking them out because person at the pet store told me the fish should be removed for fungal medication. She told me the conditioner would affect the medicine....?!?! Then again, this is the same pet store that sold me 2 diseased fish and 2 giunea pigs with ringworm.(hence the reason I am at wits end) anyway,i do use a liquid test kit, not the tezy strips. And I tested the nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia-all fine. (tested this morning.)
What were your test results?
Unless you have terrible tap water, there is no reason to remove the fish. Just take out 25-50% of the water once a week, refill it with conditioned water and as close to the same temp of water as possible.
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