Please help : Cloudy tank :(

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Put heterotrophics bacterias on the fish food if you can... Or put the food in a high flow area...

The best thing I found for generating ammonia is a big dead shrimp in a net (it tends to decompose) you let it here 24-48h, the tank will have ammonia spike.
The guy at the grocery told me this single shrimp won't do a big meal... lol

I'll go for the fish food , as I'm allergic to shellfish .. Thanks for your help , I really appreciate it o(^▽^)o
Use some kind of filter floss. I just use the polyester batting that you buy at any craft store like Michael's or Jo-Ann's. I usually buy the fluffy stuffing like what would go in a cheap pillow rather than the flattened batting used for quilts. Either would work though. Change the filter floss every day or so until the water clears, then change weekly. It also makes your filter last a lot longer.

When you put in the filter floss, it will slow water flow. Put in as much batting as you can, while still having the water flow through the filter. If you put in too much, the water will flow over the top. Hard to explain, but if you try you will see what I mean.

I use sand in my tank, but it is just quickcrete sand and is very dusty. Floss cleared my tank in about 2 days.

My $0.02
The cloudiness has gone down a little , but I'll try adding some stuffing if it doesn't completely go away .Thanks ^-^

Wait two weeks, bacterial blooms go away by itself. It only require a little stock filter pad that is already in your filter to get rid of it...

Anyways you can't get rid of it until cycling haven't finished, thoses bacterias will keep reproducing until the source is exhausted. Let nature do this job.
Hmmm the filter pad that originally came with your filter... What's your filter ?

Sorry, my english is bad, I mean "stock" as "default"...
Update : re-tested new tank water , pH 6.6 and everything 0,0,0. Cloudiness has somewhat subsided .
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