please help!!!! Got my 29g biocube.. all set up

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 16, 2013
Yes I cycled the water, added live rocks, after many weeks all the tests came out ok.. I got few damsel in there, hermit crabs, still waiting to everything to settle before adding soft corals and fungii but wondering why is my water reading 84f!!!! How can I cool it? Help ( dont want to cook my fish)
I used to keep my front lid and back lid open. It dropped the temps down to like 78-79 for me which is acceptable. If you have jumper fish then maybe just keep the back flap open during the day. On a bright note, we dont need heaters. LOL I recently took off the entire hood and am using a 4 bulb t5 over it so I have zero concerns about temperature now.
help tank is overheating!!!

Thanks Carey for your input... I like the idea to lift the hood up, I actually did it last night and it did dropped to 83.7 but I dont think it is enough.. and the bio cube has a real big top I really dont want to keep It open for long.. got a toddler on a I am a considering a stronger fan, if that is even an option on the cube.
Good thing the night bought down the temperature to 81.4.. still I would like to keep it steady 79-80.:fish2:
You could look into purchasing a small water cooler to lower the temp steady but they are really costly

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