Please Help me! All my fish are dying

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2013
Suddenly in my 40 gallon tank all my fish are dying with no reason. I tested for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and chlorine and everything is in the safe range. Please give me some advice on what could be happening?
need to know more-- are they getting skinny and dying especially the angels have they stopped eating
need to know more-- are they getting skinny and dying especially the angels have they stopped eating

That is the weird thing, they all look an eat normally, the last fish I added were some neons on sunday, now 16 fish have died. Only that 1 day before dying they look dizzy and suddenly die.
im guessing the neon's hosted a parasite. are u doing scheduled water changes weekly. if all parameters are checking out and heat is ok and ph is good I would treat for internal bugs. imo.
I do 25% every 2 weeks. What can I give them for the parasites?
im guessing the neon's hosted a parasite. are u doing scheduled water changes weekly. if all parameters are checking out and heat is ok and ph is good I would treat for internal bugs. imo.

Also another detail. One fish was pooping green stuff that the filters never could catch.
i would use a med called focus. it can also be added to flake food . carys a product called paraguard that i use a lot when qt fish in a tank when i buy them. im guessing the green poop is algae.
i would use a med called focus. it can also be added to flake food . carys a product called paraguard that i use a lot when qt fish in a tank when i buy them. im guessing the green poop is algae.

Focus is the thing that binds medication to food- it's not a medication itself
NH3: 0.0 ppm
NO2: 0.0 ppm
NO3: 5 ppm
Chlorine: 0 ppm
pH: 6.5

A parasite wouldn't kill that quickly. There has to be some sort of toxin in the water- have any air fresheners or pesticides been sprayed nearby? Any new rocks, wood, ornaments etc?

What are the symptoms of the fish that die, and how quickly do they succumb?
A parasite wouldn't kill that quickly. There has to be some sort of toxin in the water- have any air fresheners or pesticides been sprayed nearby? Any new rocks, wood, ornaments etc?

What are the symptoms of the fish that die, and how quickly do they succumb?

Well the public fumigation van has been passing by my home these days, and the main door is like 2 meters from the tank. The only symptoms that I've seen are total loss of motion control (swimming upside down, frenetically or not swimming at all).
That's the problem. Your water is probably toxic. 25% every 2 weeks is not a water change. Do 50% a week.

Even though that isn't very significant... Why try to fix something which isn't broken? The parameters are normal for a cycled tank. You could bump up the water changes but the levels are fine without it. If the tank has been working okay for a while like that, then I doubt it's the lack of water changes
I would start by adding lots of carbon to your filter and change it every week. Also the 50% weekly water changes should do a lot of good. Also try to get something to seal off the bottom of your door where the fumigation chemicals are getting in. This should help. Good luck!:)
Will purigen work instead of carbon? I currently have purigen in my filter.
I would start by adding lots of carbon to your filter and change it every week. Also the 50% weekly water changes should do a lot of good. Also try to get something to seal off the bottom of your door where the fumigation chemicals are getting in. This should help. Good luck!:)

And thank you :)
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