Please help! Sick angels.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 1, 2011
A 95g

5 green coydras
5 neon tetras
1 otto
1 LARGE pleco
2 hd size angels
2 quarter size angels

Water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate, Ph between 7.8 and 8 (always has been high).

I noticed my angels first. No weird behavior really, and no loss of appetight, but white spots on the fins. I thought it was ich, and tried the salt and heat treatment. Yesterday morning I woke up, and saw that the larger black angel (easiest to see it on) had a white film over most of it's body. I bought some Rid Ich + yesterday, and last evening I did a 70% pwc, removed the carbon from my cannister, and dosed them according to directions.
Today; The actual cottony spot places seem better. MAYBE the black angel looks slightly better, but I can't be sure. I am sure however that it has spread to all of the angels, and one of the neons has it now as well! The gold angels have a distinct red outline on their bodies along the base of the fins (new today).
I did another pwc (50%), and dosed them again this evening.

So, it's a white film or powdery unevenly streaked looking coating over most of the body, and fins. No gasping, no irritated behavior, no lethargy, no clamped fins, and normal appetite. Red outline around the body at the base of the fins noticeable on the gold angels. I THINK it's fungal...?

Am I doing ok with the Rid Ich + or wasting my time when I should be treating another way?

Last question. Since it COULD be bacterial would it be dangerous to also add Melafix to the water tonight? Should I wait until I've done the recommended three days of Rid Ich +, and then try Melafix if it persists? I have never lost an angel, and I don't want to start now!!!
As of this morning they are not visibly any better. Maybe a little worse or maybe not. You know how it is when you are worried, and looking for signs. So this is after two doses of Rid Ich +. Booooo!
They still are not acting sick yet. Active, and hungry, although I heard that skipping a feeding would be good for them, so they are STARVING this morning.
PLEASE HELP! Does anyone know what this stuff might be? If it were a fungus the Rid Ich + should have had some affect by now right? Two doses, and this is 36 hours after the first dose.
Should I alternate tonight with Melafix? Gahhhh!!!
If there's still white spots then you probably have Ich.
As for the film, it's a secondary fungal/bacterial infection that usually sprouts up during/after a primary infection such as Ich.
Go buy a bottle of Pimafix and Melafix, do a PWC, and then dose the tank with both in equal amounts. Follow the directions on the bottle, and keep using both at a 1:1 ratio and it should clear up the film no problem.

I've dosed tanks with the Pimafix/Melafix combo AND Quick Cure at the same time. I ended up losing my Clown Loaches after a really horrible Ich attack, where I too had the white cotton fungus, but all the other fish pulled through no problem.

The thing to remember is that this infection was secondary to something else. Gotta try to figure out what caused it in the first place.
the water where I live has a high ph as well. I dosed my tank with ph down until it was at a proper level. And now I just dose my fresh conditioned water with ph down before I put it in the tank. perhaps you should do the same?
Unfortunately, I went ahead and dosed the third and final treatment of Rid Ich+. It's supposed to also clear fungal infections, and this coating is not going away at all. So it's secondary bacterial? :confused: The pleco has large patches now, and I think a strip on his tail is missing!
They are still not acting sickly, and the angels are even energetically begging me for food as always. I'm skipping the food just for today since I understand this can help in the case of secondary bacterial infections. Tomorrow morning I'll dose the tank with Melafix (will give them 12 hours between Rid Ich + and that), and I guess tomorrow after I get off work I will go pick up some medicated food for bacterial infections? Google is great and all, but I am so overwhelmed!
Edited to add that I am dead set against messing with my Ph. They acclimated well, and did well for a long time in high Ph.
BUMPING this again. PLEASE... I am desperate for more input from others who might have experienced this.
Can anyone concur that it is likely bacterial? They still don't look better as far as the coating and red outlines so I am done with the Rid Ich +. THat was supposed to have knocked out "many diseases of freshwater fishes caused by external protozoan (single cell) parasites such as white spot disease, Ichthyophthiriasis, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella and saltwater external parasites such as Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium . The medication can also treat fungal infections in fishes." So fungus is out?? Only it says it CAN also treat fungus.....

I am going with the Melafix today, and medicated food.... I suppose I will also alternate with Primafix, but it may be too late. :( My little black marble was laying sideways this morning on the sand when I woke all of them up. I thought he was gone, but when I came back in he was swimming around with the others as if nothing were wrong! Surely, though, time is running short! I really really don't want to loose any of my fish!!!
So Melafix then Primafix (I am afraid doing both together after a run of RidIch will be too much, although they do not seem stressed.... cept the baby), and they are eager to eat, so the medicated food as well.
And now....
Finished with the Rid Ich... still coated, and beginning to act sluggish, but still eating. Flashing some now. Dosed with Melafix, and Pimafix, but no real improvement yet. Bought some API Triple Sulfa, and some medicated food for bacteria after work, and when I got home, not only had they not improved, but my gold angel has popeye!! I am so upset and frustrated. I did another 70% water change, and dosed Melafix and Pimafix, AND the Tripa Sulfa. Some of their symptoms resemble hemorrhagic septicemia.

I *guess* what happened was that it was a bacterial thing, and I was wasting time treating them for ich and fungus. Now it has progressed and gone internal...? I guess?

They are all still eating so at least they are taking the meds... Only the angels are really sick now. Hanging out at the surface in the back where the bubbles collect. I can't really tell if the coydras are even affected. Only thing is, when I look at my little gold angel and his pop eyes I feel like I am only drawing this crap out into some torturous death.

I really hope I eventually figure this out, and how it happened so it will NEVER happen again. :(
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